Specialising in culture, change and performance
For the
last decade…

We’ve been working with hundreds of organisations across the world to help them understand, evolve and change their cultures.
Using our research, experience and input from many professional avenues we have turned the view of culture from a nebulous concept to a highly defined element that can be managed and developed.

Our work is squarely aimed at helping organisations to improve and embrace changes such as flex working, and to weather tough situations such as economic down-turns.
We do this through building a greater understanding of their culture, by delivering successful change management and by equipping people with the skills needed to face an uncertain future. Our work is rooted in a core proprietary approach that works across three pillars; What we Believe, How we Behave and What we Use. Often change fails because it’s about process, structure and roles.
We place heavy emphasis on creating (and keeping) the right beliefs and behaviours to make change and performance stick.
Our work covers areas such as

- Auditing and codifying cultures
- Shaping and embedding effective values and behaviours
- Planning and implementing culture progression programmes

- Advising and devising change strategies and plans
- Developing change leadership and implementation teams/ambassador groups
- Practical support to equip people for change – helping navigate change for leaders, colleagues and teams

- Leadership and team development
- HR strategy creation and practical implementation
- Designing and developing strong employee experience approaches
Our senior team is drawn from a range of professional backgrounds, and includes business leaders, psychologists, athletes and third-sector experts. Backed up by an amazing enablement team, The Culture Builders is adept at delivering a wide range of projects and programmes for clients, large and small, across the globe.
And we are a little bit famous. Our team is regularly asked for comment and articles on a range of topics that are reported as news by the likes of The FT, BBC, Management Today and The Guardian.
We also talk a lot. With so much practical experience and research – encapsulated by our proprietary structures – we have a great deal to share. This means we are regularly asked to deliver keynotes to a wide range of audiences, and to add our voice to debates, panels, events and programmes.